AR Marina

Access control

Discover our global solution to control access :

  • Parking
  • Pontoon
  • Wedge
  • Sanitary facilities
  • Laundromat
  • Garbage room, ...
access control AR Marina

Opening your marina's accesses by Code, Badge or QRcode

AR MARINA payment kiosk

Thanks to our interface, from the payment kiosk or from your computer you can manage the accesses by generating :

  • of codes that your users will be able to tap on the digicodes 
  • of badges which can be passed in front of the badge readers
  • of QRCodes which can be scanned by readers either
    as a printable ticket or generated from our QIPEO app on a smartphone screen

These devices are installed according to your choice (Digicode or badge reader or QRCode) on :

  • parking barriers,
  • the recessed terminals for access to the holds,
  • access gates or grilles to pontoons
  • the doors of the premises (sanitary, laundry, waste bins, etc.)
keypad and badge reader ar marina
marina parking barriers
Parking barriers
Recessed bollard for marina slipway access
Flush-mounted bollards
Access gate to the pontoon
Access gate to the pontoon
Shower timer box
Shower timer
Laundry access
Laundry access
Access to the rubbish bin
Access to the rubbish room

Our digital tools for marina access management

Supervision and LogaPass are integrated software that allow you to :

  • Set rates, durations, ...
  • Remote reading of consumption
  • Activate the energy terminals (water, electricity, pressure, etc.)
  • Issue codes or QRCodes to open access

Qipeo is our smartphone application. It allows users of your marina to :

  • Choose and pay for their services (water, electricity, access and services) 
  • Open the accesses (barriers, doors, gates, ...) 
  • Consuming purchased credits
smartphone app qipeo

Do you have a project?

Would you like to talk to a specialist in marina design?

Request for quotation

Sales Department
+33 (0)2 98 53 99 36